Frequently Asked Question Regarding Website Design and Search Engine Optimization
What is SEO?
- SEO or Search Engine Optimization, is the art of enhancing the visibility of a website in a search engine’s natural or “organic” search results.
- The results you see when you search for something that are not paid placements (usually those results highlighted in yellow) are in order of what the search engine perceives you want to see given whatever search term you entered.
Why should I care where my business comes up in a search engine’s results query?
- In general, the higher ranked your website is on a search engine’s results page and the more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more likely people will be to click on your site.
- This can mean the difference between closing a new deal or getting lost in the crowd.
What does SERP mean?
- SERP is short for Search Engine Results Page.
- It is a listing of results returned after you have entered a query into a search engine such as Google.
- To really understand the process, click here to go to our demo page: Search Demo
What are keywords?
- Simply put, keywords are unique words that users enter to find what they are looking for on the Internet. “Pizza” is a keyword that would be used by a local pizzeria. “Personal Injury Attorney” would be considered a keyword search term.
Why are keywords important to my business?
- A website has become an almost indispensable tool in today’s business environment. But unless people can find it, it’s really not doing you any good. You need to think like your consumer thinks. What would your ideal business customer be searching for? This is something lighthouse SEO and Design can help you with
What is PPC or pay per click advertising?
- Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising are paid placement ads in search engine results pages. They are generally at the top of the page and tinted light yellow in Google. These are how search engines generate revenue and can be a very useful advertising tool, but you need to knowledgeable about certain aspects of PPC or it can get costly very quick.
- If you owned a local pizza shop, simply paying for clicks on the keyword pizza would end up costing you a bundle. But if you narrow the geographic focus and add in more information it becomes a localized campaign. In this case, “Jupiter Florida Pizza Restaurant” would be a much better choice.
What is a domain name?
- A domain name is simply a memorable name for an Internet entity. It represents an IP or Internet Protocol address. How many of you could remember You probably used its domain name to find this page.
How much does a website cost?
- There is no easy answer to this question. Websites can be like houses, some are small with very few rooms while others are palatial mansions that need continuous maintenance.
- Some hosting providers offer do-it-yourself programs for a minimal charge.
- Most of our SEO ready websites run between $800 and $2,000 and include a basic SEO jump start package.